ATM Centers-It contains the address of ATM centers and also you can search both by area and bank and share the address via social apps.
Eateries-you can know the exact location of eateries using maps, share the address of eateries ,you can know the timings and also you can call to the Eateries.
Hotels-you can know the different types of hotels such as 1 star , 2 star and 3 star. you can know the exact Location, phone number and email address of the hotels.
Colleges-It contains the list of Arts and Science and Engineering college in and around Trichy. you can know the address, phone number and email address of the colleges in Trichy.
Hospitals-It help us to know about the different categories of Hospitals in Trichy. You can also view the address, website ,phone number and also you can share the information to your friends.
Trichy-you can know about the history of Trichy.
Developed By: S.Revathi Android Developer,
Kirthiga Android Developer ,
Vignesh Android Developer .